11242 S. Mulberry Ln., Jenks, OK 74037, us

Dreamtraders Readers Will...

Discover & Define


Discover the 4 types of traders and which one you want to be. Discover your dream and your drivers.  Define your fears and trade them for faith. 

Determine the Trades

trades, business, agreements, requirements, handshake

Determine the trades required to make your dream a reality and decide if you're willing to make that trade. 

Develop a Plan

plan, develop, together, map

Develop a plan for success. Together we dive into practical steps to help you make real headway on your dream journey. 

DreamTraders Don't


There are certain things Dreamtraders Stay away from, this section in the book warns against things that are sure to kill your dream. 

Defeat the Odds

mountain, odds, obstacles, hike, hard work

Learn how to use the odds and obstacles of life to fuel your dream. 


duplicate, multiply, serve, help, connect

Learn how to Duplicate your impact and influence through service.